Yamaha Motorcycles

Vanluchene & Janssens take Iffendic victory! 2024 World Sidecarcross Championship Round 7 – Report & Results

Vanluchene & Janssens take Iffendic victory! 2024 World Sidecarcross Championship Round 7

The hillside track of Iffendic in France was the host circuit for Round 7 of the 2024 FIM World Sidecarcross Championship at the weekend.

Once again, the welcome to the track from the weather was grey, chilly and misty. However, that was set to change, with sun already trying to break through as the support classes did their warm-up and free practice sessions.

Report by Barry Nutley – Images courtesy of WSC

A large queue of spectators was threading its way through the woodland track approaching the circuit, with people three and four deep at the ticket booths.

This was going to be another action-packed and thrilling day, especially for those teams at the sharp end of the table. The fifth Sidecar grand Prix at this venue was eagerly awaited, and no-one was disappointed.

The traditional team presentation was well attended and very much appreciated by the crowd, with the biggest cheer of the morning going to the local heroes Killian and Evan Prunier. Red plate holders Marvin Vanluchene and Glenn Janssens were typically modest, but quietly confident about what they needed to do.

Race One

A fantastic start by Vanluchene/Janssens took them into an immediate lead, as Prunier fought with Tim Prummer for second place. Wilkinson/Millard were right up there too, whilst the Lielbardis twins had a slower start and a tangle which made life difficult for them in the early stages. Brett Wilkinson and Joe Millard were very strong for the first half of the races, scrapping with the Leferinks, Tim Prummer and Jason van Daele. This was a fantastic fight lasting for several laps.

At the front, Vanluchene was putting in really quick laps, opening a gap of over ten seconds from the Prunier brothers. It looked like it would stay that way, until Vanluchene cooled the pace slightly, and Prunier began to close.

Meanwhile, Hermans/van den Bogaart eventually muscled past Jason van Daele/Loet van der Putten and got on the back of Tim and Sem Leferink.

At this point there were five outfits line astern, with Davy Sanders at the back waiting to collect the pieces if someone got it wrong.

All the time, the Lielbardis brothers were making ground, and worked their way through to third place having dispatched Tim Prummer with five minutes remaining.

Killian/Evan Prunier, inspired by the sight of Vanluchene ahead, caught and passed him to the delight of the fans. Air-horns abounded, and flags waved as they assumed control at the front. They, in turn, opened a sizeable lead from the red plate, making it look easy in the closing stages.

This was a popular victory and a thoroughly entertaining race throughout, with a dejected Brett Wilkinson stopping on the final lap, still high enough up the pack to claim some valuable points.

Race 1 Results

Race Two 

In front of a hugely expectant crowd the gate dropped for the final time at the French Grand Prix at Iffendic. Sensationally, Jason van Daele/Loet van der Putten made the holeshot their own after fighting the turn with Thomas Hamard/Mathis Hupon and stormed off down the hill with Vanluchene giving chase. Tim Prummer had another good start, with Prunier having a bit more work to do this time. Hamard was proving hard to pass and did himself proud in the early stages. Brett Wilkinson sat fourth, making the most of his AMS punch off the line, while once again, Koen Hermans left himself some work to do, but was better placed than in race one.

Van Daele held onto the lead for the early laps with Vanluchene/Janssens hassling him every inch of the way. Behind these two, Prummer and Wilkinson were both coming under pressure from a Koen Hermans in a hurry, as he bustled past Lielbardis in pursuit of first Wilkinson and then Prummer.

Hermans progress past Lielbardis happened so quickly it was hard to determine if it was a mistake on their part or sheer skill by Hermans. He made it through to a fine third place. Then around half distance, van Daele crashed out, putting the outfit through the fence. This was not before Vanluchene had overtaken him. At the front with more than half the race gone, Prunier was now up to second and closing on the red plate. By that time, they were into the tail enders, and Marvin used these to his advantage, stretching the gap to four seconds at the flag.

With three rounds and six races left to do, he has taken a huge step towards retaining the title.

Race 2 – Result

Overall Result

Championship Standings

