Following an entertaining first episode, the ‘Torq Moto Podcast Show’ driven by Talon returns for the second instalment of the Paul ‘Eddy’ Edmondson interview. Hosts ‘Jeffro’ Perrett and ‘DocWob’ once again delve further into their guests’ careers, and in this second and final episode, they talk to Eddy about life after his hugely successful racing career.
A life and career that has been equally as successful and eventful as his racing as Eddy explains how and why he started running his own ‘Fast Eddy Sprint Enduro’ events, which became incredibly popular in no time at all. As if that wasn’t enough to keep Paul occupied, he then ‘fell into’ the life of a motorcycle movie stuntman, where he ended up doubling up for Daniel Craig as 007 – James Bond, as well as other movie stars in a host of other movies. But arguably one of the finest and standout moments in his life was as 007 at the start of the film ‘No Time to Die’ when he jumped a Triumph over a city wall.
Fitting that it was on a Triumph because that’s where Paul now also finds himself as Team Manager for their new Euduro team, so the three of them also discuss his role there and his future plans for more indoor events following the recent success of Paul’s ‘Indoor Enduro of Champions’ event at Newcastle in October. No doubt about it, Edmondson doesn’t like to sit still for too long, but here he did for another hour of insight and stories on his life and career as one of Great Britain’s greatest off-road motorcyclists. So sit back and enjoy this one, it’s a cracker to savour over the Christmas holidays.
You can find the ‘Torq Moto Podcast Show’ driven by Talon on Spotify, Apple and YouTube.
WATCH MORE: TORQ MOTO – Paul Edmondson World Championships, The 90’s madness and Triumph