Sudbury Youth Enduro Series set to thrive in 2023!

Essex (Hedingham / Halstead) based Eddie Belton lifted the 2022 Winners trophy of the GH Motorcycles / GB Finch sponsored first successful Youth Enduro championship run by Sudbury Motorcycle Club.

Words and Images by Paula Day Photography & Mel Belton

With an exciting 5 race series of events running April to October in conjunction with a full adult program of Eastern Centre Championship Events, it is hoped the youth championship will gain momentum in 2023 and attract younger riders to the challenge of Enduro. To be a part of this exciting collaboration with recognised Eastern Centre sponsors and an experienced club who run a successful youth training program for up-and-coming riders, competitors need to be a member of an ACU club and with Sudbury’s youth memberships at just £1.

Riders get additional benefits if committed to ride the youth championship:- GH Motorcycles will supply a free team race shirt and any youth wearing a club shirt at the GH Motorcycles Fundays will benefit from tips and training on the dedicated youth track and opportunities for accompanied laps on a more testing course. A workshop training event is also planned as the season progresses.

Eddie Belton Youth Trophy Winner

Riders will need to obtain an ACU race licence or have a day licence for each race. Entry fee is just £20.00 each race which will be a minimum of 1 hour long and held in the afternoon -Following the adult race. Subject to certain conditions familiar with most grassroot sports parents are asked to marshal and enjoy the podium award ceremony with awards up to 3rd place at each event, with end of year trophys for top 3 riders. (Scored as adult event)

The Sudbury MCC transponders will be used for lap scoring these will be loaned from the club at each race.

Capacity youth machine Riders aged 14 to 16 – Machines must be a minimum of 80cc and a maximum of 150cc (regardless of two or four stroke engine) and electric bikes up to 16kw measured at the rear wheel. Riders aged 12–14 – Machines must be a minimum of 70cc and a maximum of 85cc (regardless of two or four stroke engine) and electric bikes up to 12kw measured at the rear wheel. Wheel size maximum 16 inch rear and 19 inch front.


19th March – Foxborough CO9 -Solo Eastern Centre Championship round 3 of 7
12-16 y/o solo YOUTH RACE 1st round of 5

7th May – Foxborough CO9 Solo Eastern Centre Championship round 4 of 7
12-16 y/o solo YOUTH RACE 2nd round of 5

11th June – Hadham SG11 Solo Eastern Centre Championship round 5 of 7
12-16 y/o solo YOUTH RACE 3rd round of 5

3rd Sept – Pebmarsh 2 Man Eastern Centre Championship round 5 of 6
12-16 y/o solo YOUTH RACE 4th round of 5

8th Oct – Alderford Farm, Purls Hill CO9 2 Man Eastern Centre Championship last round of 7
12-16 y/o solo YOUTH RACE last round of 5

