Yamaha Motorcycles

Oakleaf Motorsport Honda sign Lennox Dickinson for 2024!

Team Oakleaf are please to welcome Lennox Dickinson to the squad for 2024 competing in mx2 British & fastest 40 , the young 15y old is a great talent and after his first showing in mx2 at Hawkstone Park this weekend he’s gonna be one to watch out for as he progresses in his first Mx2 season.

Words & Images: Oakleaf Motorsport Honda

The team says
“We are really excited to be able to put a package together for Lennox, we have been watching him for a while as a new up and coming talent , and to see him this weekend was great to see what he can achieve , it’s only thanks to our sponsors that we are able to make this happen …”

@lennoxdickinson_ says that he’s “So happy to be given this opportunity to ride for Oakleaf, I really wanted to move to MX2 early to gain experience at that level, excited to work with Shaun and the team and continuing with current personal sponsors. See you on the line !!”

