September 13, 2024
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First Ever Electric Dirt Bike Festival goes down a storm at Greenfield – Race Report & Results

The Sun was out, the music was playing, and the first-ever EXGB Electric Dirt Bike Festival saw some epic racing and riding over three tracks, and over 100 hundred races at the superb Greenfield Dirt Track in Lincolnshire back on the 18th to the 20th August.

Report and Images by EXGB

A sand pit, free bouncy castle, a visit from a fire engine, live music and loads more made this a family-friendly event for riders and their families of all ages, and although the action was fast and furious on track, the atmosphere off it had a proper chilled and fun festival vibe.

Over on the purpose-built Revvi Arena, the smallest racers took to the track competing in the Revvi Electric Balance Bike Masters where they were set to duke it out over six races for their own slice Electric Dirt Bike Festival glory.

In the Revvi 12″ Open 3 years of age class Harley Patel continued his great run of form this year having recently run the Revvi Cup at the Apex Motopark, by winning the finals on both days to take the overall ahead of the always fast Harvey Nicol who went 2-3 for 2nd overall. Making their way onto the box was Maddox Buckley who had a great weekend to finish third overall. Theo Vaughan had an excellent second in the final on Sunday and would claim fourth overall for the weekend ahead of Tommy Brace who was consistently quick in fifth. Maddoxx Clay was always in the mix on his debut and finished a good sixth, with Jacob Fletcher pitching in with some good points for seventh. Daisy Rudd has been showing great improvement and finished the weekend in eighth in a very tough class. Jenson Wood showed good with ninth, Theo Hancock fought hard for tenth, Theo Morley rounded out his weekend with eleventh, George Fenwick was twelfth, Hunter Brierley was thirteenth, Tristan Bailey was fourteenth, Pheobe Golding was fifteenth and Vinnie Legg was Sixteenth.

Blake Benson was outstanding in the Revvi Open 12″ 4-5 years of age category, winning all six races to take the Masters title in this class. Jonah Barks was consistent throughout and had some great races with Acey Topliss with these two on the podium in second and third. Walter Hulme rode well all weekend long for fourth as did John Radley who secured fifth. Louie Bryant only did Sunday but his trio of third places earned him sixth ahead of Saturday only rider Gunnar Day in seventh.

The Revvi 16″ Standard 3-4 year old class is always a good one and this weekend proved no different with the top six riders being separated by only 14 points at the end of the weekend. It was Louie Smith though with Sonic the Hedgehog onboard who would win the title having racked up four impressive race wins. Nicky Layt also took the chequers on one occasion and finished in second just two points behind Louie. Revvi 12″ champ Harley Patel was another rider to notch up a race win and that helped him secure his spot on the box in third, with the hard charging Cohen Rogers in fourth. Max James Good had a couple of falls but never gave up and finished the weekend in fifth, and Ethan Rudd held off his cousin Daisy Rudd for sixth, so Daisy was seventh.

There was a stacked line up of racers in the Revvi 16″ Open 3-4 years of age category with the Stanley Scott/Blake Benson battle being resumed which has raged on all year. These two put it all in on the track but are the best of friends off of it. Blake though made his mark early doors by winning the opening race but Stanley put the hammer down thereafter and although Blake was on his back wheel kept him at bay to take the chequers in the remaining five races to take the title. Nicky Layt would ride fantastic in this class, having to jump straight from his standard bike to his upgraded one. The adrenaline rush of rushing from one to the other certainly worked for Nicky finishing an excellent second overall ahead of Blake who had a DNF in third. Revvi Cup regular Tommy White came through the six races with a stash of points to finish fourth ahead of Oliver Harrington who has some good rides in fifth. Junior Garbett made an impressive debut in sixth ahead of the always busy Ethan Rudd and Acey Topliss who ended the weekend in seventh and eighth. George Driver was another debutant and took ninth, Theo Hancock landed tenth, Tommy Brace claimed eleventh and one day racer Gunnar Day was twelfth.

It was the battle of the Smith’s again in the Revvi 16″ Standard 5-6 class with older brother Eli taking the win with all six race victories for the Masters title, although his little bro made sure it wasn’t easy for him and was second each time for second overall. Joining the Smith family on the podium was Betsy Foames who had some great battles with Darcie Crane in fourth who had some great looking Castrol graphics on their bike. One day rider Parker Herbert edged out another one dayer Henry Hutchings for fifth.

The Revvi 16″ Open 5-6 class is always competitive and it was George Foames who started the weekend in great form with two wins. Oscar Duckworth though came to the fore at the latter end of the weekend winning the final four races to secure him the victory with Foames who had a couple of tumbles second. Oakley Seldon had some great races and finished the weekend on the podium in third ahead of Maggie May Layt who rode fantastic in fourth, Alfie Irons on his first EXGB appearance in fifth and Frank Southcott who had to pick himself up from a few tumbles in sixth. Harley Cornwall kept the wheels turning with some superb races in seventh, Arabella Hunt went well for eighth and Sunday only rider Leo Morrison was ninth.

Mixed in with the Open 5-6’s the Revvi 16″ Open 7-8 riders were right in the mix at all times with plenty of drama going on during the weekend. Emerging from it all with the title though was Vivienne Western who rode tremendously to keep Henry Spencer at bay in second and race one winner Ava Radley in third. Emelia Bryant joined the fray on Sunday and won all three races, ending the weekend in fourth and as the race five winner the chance to be the first person to ride the brand new Revvi 18″ in public which she throughly enjoyed.

Reggie England on his Amped 16″ was a formidable force in the Open Electric Balance Bike 16″ 3-5 years of age class winning all six racers on his way to the Masters title. George Fenwick, Rory Tippett and Arlo Wooler all fought it out for second with them finishing in the order named.

Also racing on the Revvi Arena track were the Oset 12.5 class and the Mini-E class who were competing in the 5th and 6th rounds of the 2023 EXGP British Electric X Championship having already raced at Wheeldon in Devon and Grove Farm in Dorset.

Having won the last three rounds Oakley Jones was in the driving seat for the championship but issues on Saturday meant that Kaylum Clark had closed in and was just a point down going into Sunday’s title decider. Stepping up into the Oset 12.5 class for the first time was top Revvi racer Stanley Scott and he showed straight away that he was going to be one to watch and he went on to win the round with three wins from three ahead of Kaylum and Oliver Fostun in third who now had one hand on the third spot in the championship. Hunter Dunstan made an impressive debut in fourth with Oakley fifth. The ever improving Harri Fisher was sixth, had great speed with some good results in seventh, Charlie Masters looked good in eighth, Eden Squirrel was on the gas in ninth and Cody Isard rode well in tenth.

On Sunday the race was on, and Oakley knew he would need to pull a good result out of the bag to keep the ever trying Kaylum at bay for the championship. Oakley did just that winning the first two races ahead of Stanley before Stanley won the final moto, but the Overall and the title would go the way of Oakley. Well done Oakley on the Jones family on their tremendous achievement. Stanley would end the day second overall, Kaylum was third, Oliver was fourth, Harri was fifth, Hunter was sixth, Albie was seventh, Charlie was eighth, Eden was ninth and Cody was tenth.

The Final Championship podium was 1st Oakley Jones 166 points, 2nd Kaylum Clark 160 points, 3rd Oliver Fostun 143 points

The Mini E class was absolutely rammed with 26 riders going full guns blazing at it over the two days. Each rider had two points scoring qualifying races to determine which Final they would qualify for, A, B or C.

This was another class where the championship was on a knife edge with George Hutchings holding a slender lead over Ethan Kentch after the two had had some great tussles at the previous rounds. With the entry so stacked with the top two from the Oset 12.5 class entered as well as some fast debutants a fight to the end was expected and that is exactly how it panned out.

Saturday’s A final saw Jaxon Clay ride a stormer to beat the previously unbeaten Oakley Jones who took to his new Oset MX10 like a duck to water. George Hutchings did his title campaign a great boost by finishing third, Ethan Kentch fought hard through the pack to fourth, Carson Robinson made a great impression in fifth, Kaylum Clark showed he will be a future contender in sixth, Jonny Furniss rode fantastic for seventh with Harri Fisher having an awesome ride to make the A final and finish eighth.

The B Final saw Oscar Rutherford with a good victory, from Eli Walton a great second, Lennie Lowe looked fast in third, Jonah Bott was quick in fourth, Harley Cornwall showed his potential in fifth, Keyan Parry was well in the mix in sixth, and Cooper Swann made it a great Mini-E debut in seventh.

Taking the win in the C Final was Oliver Fostun who suffered a DNF earlier in the day, and every point was to count for Oliver who was in a championship podium battle for the third position with Lennie Lowe. Stepping up from the Revvi, Harvey Nicol finished a superb second, Tainen Spencer had a great day in third, Charlie Masters took a well rode for fourth, Nina Squirrel came home with a good fifth, Logun Edmonds shined in sixth and Rory Tippett rounded out his day with good ride in seventh.

On Sunday with the title on the line the A final was intense to say the least. George and Ethan had it all to race for and with new riders capable of getting in between them it was all set to be a barnstormer. Oakley was the early leader but Jaxon would force his way to the front with George taking a number of falls to put his title into doubt. Ethan started right back in the field but was gaining speed as the race went on and closed right up on the leader on the final but he couldn’t get the job done and the win went to Jaxon from Ethan. Oakley was third, Carson was fourth and a tearful George was fifth. George though the title had gone and to be fair it was close as if Ethan had managed to win the race it would have been him that would have been crowned the first ever EXGP Mini E Champ. Instead it was George who took the title, but a huge well done to Ethan and George for their sportsmanship and great battles this year. Behind George in sixth was Kaylum, Oscar was seventh and Lennie was eighth.

Before the B Final was to take place there was a small matter of a race off for the last A Final spot between Oscar and Oliver and this would have title repercussions for Oliver as his podium rival Lennie had already secured his place in the A Final courtesy of a great heat win. Oscar had the speed and Oliver would have to go to the B Final where he finished second behind Jonny and with Lennie eighth in the final it would be Oliver who would grab the third championship position by just one point over Lennie. Great racing guys.

Eli was third in the B Final, Tainen was fourth, Charlie was fifth, Nina was sixth, Harvey was seventh and Sunday only racer Louie Bryant made his Mini E debut with eighth.

In the C Final the win went to Harri, with Jonah Second, Sunday only racer Joe Allen rode well for third, Harley was fourth, Keyan was fifth, another Sunday only rider, Charlotte Cook had a good day in sixth, and Rory was seventh.

The Final championship standings in the Mini E class were 1st George Hutchings 163 points, 2nd Ethan Kentch 161 points, 3rd Oliver Fostun 113 points

The Auto-E, Open E Fun Class and Adult groups would ride on the bigger EXGP circuit which went down a storm with riders big and small.

Kylan Clay on his Oset MX10 was the winner on both days in the Open E Fun class over Bobby Brace on his Amped 20″ bike.

The Auto E3 class were separated from the E5 class for the first time and it was Wilf Holliday who showed good early doors by taking Saturday’s race one win. Wilf wouldn’t show for the next two moto’s which were won in good style by Oaklie Seldon, chased on each occasion by the smiling Maximus Hall who never gives up. So Saturday’s win went the way of Oaklie, ahead of Maximus and Wilf. This result was replicated on Sunday with Oaklie doing the double but when it came to the championship standings it would be Maximus would be crowned the champ.

The Final standings in the Auto E3 class are: 1st Maximus Hall 174 points, 2nd Oaklie Seldon 114 points, 3 Wilf Holliday 50 points.

Over in the Auto E5 class the racers looked well at home on the EXGP circuit and put on a great show. Winner of Rounds 1 & 3 Jesse Barks was superfast and took the chequers in Saturday’s final with some drama on the first bend which saw series leader Kolbe Red Sole come down. Series newcomer Oliver Moore had a great final and looked smooth and stylish to take second ahead of another title contender Frank Wallis in third. Seb Phillips has shown great improvement to end the race fourth ahead of a battling Kolbe in fifth who was going all out to keep hold of the championship lead. Millie England had a great sixth, George Hutchings who had his fair share of up’s and downs was seventh and Ethan Kentch was eighth. Saturday’s B Final saw Max Isard have a good ride for the win, Raife Western rode well for second and Teddy Tarr continues to improve in third. Leo Golding took a tumble and didn’t finish the race but he rode well throughout the day.

Sunday got off to a tough start on the EXGP circuit with Seb and Kolbe coming together resulting in a hospital trip for Seb, coming away in the end with just bruising. Once again there was great friendship shown by his fellow racers who send Seb video and messages and pictures holding a get well soon Seb banner. We hope you are feeling better now Seb.

Moving into the final and with it all to race for and three riders all in with a shout of the title it was super tense on the start line. Jesse, Frank and Kolbe all knew that they could be crowned but the results had to go their way for this to occur. It was tight at the start again, but Jesse put the hammer down early to move into a strong lead with Kolbe who didn’t have the best of luck went down early and had some hard work to do if he was going to hold onto the series lead and claim the title. As the race was winding down a with a lap to go, it was Jesse who was in the driving seat in terms of the race and the championship as Kolbe was in sixth. If they stayed in those positions Jesse and Kolbe would be tied on points and the title would be heading the way of Jesse courtesy of winning the last final. Frank too was not out of the running either as he was just a point off of Jesse and Kolbe and was sitting in second in the race. Not giving up though Kolbe had almighty final lap, and dug deep to make a last minute move on Ethan to grab those vital extra point at the death which meant that Kolbe would be crowned the first ever Auto E5 EXGP British ElectricX Champion by just two points over Jesse who did all he could by getting the race win. Frank ended the race in second which would give him third overall in the series, just 2 points off of Jesse and three off of the Champ Kolbe. Great racing guys.

So Sunday’s final was Jesse first, Frank second, Oliver was third, George was fourth, Kolbe came back for fifth, Ethan was sixth, Millie was seventh, Teddy was eighth, Raife was ninth and Max was tenth.

The Adult class saw ten riders on each day duking it out for glory. Within the ten rider race was three different classes, Open, Lites Stock and Lites Stock Mod.

Isaac Ash on his RevMonkey Surron UK Ultra Bee was a class act and took all three race wins on Saturday for the Open class round win, but behind him was where all of the action was occurring with Fast and Female team mates Anya Colley and Beanie Reece and RFN racer Max Inman having an almighty scrap in each race for the second position. In the end it would be Anya who had the edge to gain second over Beanie in third, Max in fourth, Aidan Farrell fifth and Arthur Mailitis sixth.

On Sunday though a bike malfunction in the second race took Isaac out of the running for the days win, which went the way of Anya by just one point over Beanie in second with Sunday only racer Toby Hales another point further back in third. These three scrapped it out all day long and put on a great show for the crowd. Isaac with two wins secured fourth on the day and by doing so would be crowned the 2023 Adult Open Champion, with Beanie taking second and Sam Winterburn third.

The Lites Stock Mod class saw Tommy Pittaway and Stephen Rae mixing it up with the Open bikes and certainly showed great speed. On each occasion Tommy would gain the win over Stephen meaning Tommy would win both rounds and the title in the process.

In the Lites Stock class Troy Clay dominated Saturday over Tyler Nicol, both of whom had children racing in the other classes while on Sunday Max Inman dropped into this class on a different bike and took the win over Troy and Tyler. The title though would go the way of Lewis Bryant who was there watching his kids ride so was able to pick up his award. Troy would finish second in the Championship standings with Troy third.

Well done to everyone who came out and raced at this new venue and brand new event and series… roll on the next one!

Julie and Paul would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came out and made our first ever Electric Dirt Bike Festival so special and got right into the spirit of it…

Huge thank you to George Pickering, his family and the team at Greenfield Dirt Track for welcoming us to their fantastic venue and providing such great tracks…

Thanks to Don and Katie at Revvi for their support and showcasing their new 18″ in public for the first time. Also good vibes go to Andy and the team NORA Motorsport, Lee and Mel LR Designs – Moto Twenty5 Bikes, Gary and Dave at Duck Smart, the guys at Sur-Ron UK, Urban Moto and Monsters of Dirt.

Lastly and certainly not least, a gigantic thanks to our amazing team who work so hard to make sure there are plenty of smiles on lots of little (and big) faces…

For the Revvi Electric Balance Bike Masters Results >>CLICK HERE<<

For the EXGP Rounds 5 & 6 Results >>CLICK HERE<<

For the Final 2023 EXGP British Electric X Championship Standings >>CLICK HERE<<

