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Carless in hot form at Warmingham! 2023 AMCA Motocross Championship Round 4 – Race Report, Results & Interviews

Carless in hot form at Warmingham! 2023 AMCA Motocross Championship Round 4 – Race Report, Results & Interviews

With thunderstorms expected to arrive on raceday, it meant that Middlewich MXC, the host club for round 4 of the AMCA British Motocross Championship were faced with a major dilemma regarding track preparation at their Warmingham Lane venue!

Race Report, Images and Interviews by Mike Wood

Should they literally flood the dry, hard surface and then hope the predicted storms fail to materialise or instead get just enough moisture into the ground to control the dust threat whilst hoping for some extra assistance from that big watering can in the sky. Well, thankfully the club went for option one and it certainly proved to be the correct choice, being just about sufficient to see the meeting completed with three blocks of racing. The extensive pre-event watering also helped make the track far more technical, creating plenty of monster crazy, deep ruts and offering a whole host of corner entry and exit lines.

Will Hughes (205) leading Henry Williams in the Open class

Loving the conditions, James Dodd (FUS Marsh Geartec Husqvarna),a rider very much in top form, scorched to Open Class maximum points ahead of his regular rival Henry Williams. The runaway Championship top two did not have things totally their own way though as Will Hughes made them work very hard by leading both the opening couple of moto’s before Mark Roberts also grabbed the final race holeshot. After getting past Hughes in the opener, Dodd then had to chase Williams, eventually snatching a very dramatic win by making a daring pass on the very last corner. Then in a super race two, Hughes was in control for a frantic seven laps before first Williams then eventual winner Dodd came through. The last moto was a little more straight forward as Doddy hit the front early on before clearing off and build a winning margin of some 18 seconds.

Lee Truman the MX2 runner up

Also, from the FUS camp, there’s no stopping that Welsh wizard Shane Carless in MX2 as he bagged another maximum points score. He had a real battle on his hands though in a sizzling moto one clash. Lying 4th early on he worked hard to pass Lee Truman and Jimmy Margetson before chasing after leader McKenzie Marshall. Using all of his vast experience, Shane eventually hit the front just two laps from home and take the win ahead of Marshall, Margetson, Truman, Lewis Hall, Corey Hockey and Rory Jones who had a terrific ride after starting last!

Harry Linton, 5th in 125cc

In both motos two and three of MX2, Truman on the CPMX Racing KTM grabbed the holeshot eventually getting home in a fantastic 2nd place on both occasions with Carless taking the wins. Hall, Marshall, Jones, Liam Gale and Jake Preston were also in the mix but spare a thought for Midwest Racing Husqvarna pilot Hockey. With his bike stopping during timed qualification and not having a spare, Corey lying 3rd in the Championship standings was forced to borrow a 125cc machine from his Midwest teammate Will Turner. Despite not having rode an eighth-litre engine for seven years, Corey was still competitive at Warmingham going 6/8 before a tyre blow-out on the opening lap of the final moto! So, on the podium it was Carless, Truman and Marshall and that super result for Truman as also hauled him up into 3rd in the title standings as the unlucky Hockey now drops to 5th.

Tight turn one action from the 125cc class

There’s no stopping Meredith MX Fantic pilot Luke Dean in the AMCA 125cc series at present. Quickly getting past holeshot taker Matt Ridgway and Chris Povey early in moto one, Luke raced onto victory as Nev Bradsahw came up to take 2nd with Povey, Harry Linton, Jack Cox, Charlie Palmer, Yarin Evans and Damon Strydom also in the big points. Having started the season as a potential title winner the season is going a little pear shaped for Damo at present! Following a big crash during the last round at Lower Drayton, he announced on Sunday that he has torn knee ligaments which require surgery at some point during the year!

Matt Ridgway leading the opening 125cc moto

With Bradshaw leading the second 125cc moto from start to finish, early on Dean was stranded back in 10th. However, showing his class though, the Fantic was on full chat and quickly moving forward, hauling him back to 2nd. Then lap by lap, Luke was closing rapidly on Bradshaw finishing just a couple of bike lengths down at the flag. Also going well again, Povey was strong in 3rd with young Palmer, Linton, Luke Newman, Olly Hathaway and Evans next up. After just missing out in the second clash, Dean was quickly back in the winning habit for the final moto as Bradshaw this time elected to bring out his EVO Honda CR125cc bike for a run. Despite those injuries already mentioned, Strydom put a second moto mechanical issue behind him by having his best result of the day in the last clash taking 3rd and even beating his FUS teammate Povey!

Charlie Palmer, 4th in 125cc

Shane Jones is a rider very much in top form at present and aboard his Apex GasGas UK machine he scorched to another classy maximum score during Sunday’s Youth 125cc racing. In the opening moto though Tom Goodfellow was quickest away leading for three laps before Jones came through and thus take victory with Wyatt McGregor going from 14th up to a great 2nd despite racing with a damaged shoulder. With early leader Goodfellow having to settle for 3rd, Jack Evans, Phillip Tchorek, Will Turner and Aston Phillips were also right in the mix. As Jones proved to be again victorious with a start to finish success in moto two, the lively Logan Jay Powell was runner-up.

Phillip Tchorek leading a Youth 125cc battle

In last Youth 125cc clash, Jones, Goodfellow, Tchorek, Powell and Turner were really going for it early on until Powell fell and dropped back to 7th. With Jones then racing onto victory number three, the injured McGregor was to produce another heroic ride climbing from 8th up to 2nd. So, on the podium it was Jones, McGregor and Evans whilst in the Championship standings Jones has taken over at the top!

Hollie Roberts leading Marni Saunders in a BWMA Womens battle

In the BWMA Woman’s class it was another overall win for Marni Saunders on the 250F Kawasaki ahead of Hollie Roberts and Hannah Jones. In moto one Marni, Hannah, Caitlin Newman, Hollie and Millie Sweeney filled positions 11th to 15th respectively. Hollie was then top Woman in the second clash of the day in a super 11th as Grace Bates in 13th was the next best just ahead of Marni. After gating 11th in the final moto, Marni then maintained that position throughout just ahead of Hollie and Grace with Caitlin (15th), Hannah (16th), Amber McGregor (17th), Autumn Jenkinson (18th) and Abbie Piggott (19th) next. So, in the title standings after three rounds completed, Marni is leading the way on 524 points with Caitlin on 489 and Hannah 465.

Oakley Kettle the Youth 85cc winner

Although Oakley Kettle took the Youth 85cc overall win from George Clark and Toby Adamson, it’s fair to say that Leah-Rees Evans, Checoby Rainey and Holly Williams were the real Sunday stars in this class! Leah went a terrific 9/5/4, Checoby 8/9/6 and Holly 7/7/11. In the last moto, Checoby was holding a superb 3rd early on and really giving the boy’s something to think about before Leah then took up the challenge. For the lads, Arthur Moore won moto one before a DNF in the second clash ruined his chances of figuring in the overall reckonings. So, in what was an entertaining 85cc competition, Oakley Kettle after winning both motos two and three was top pilot for the lads whilst Leah was the first girl home ahead of Holly and Checoby. In the Championship table, Oakley as also soared to the top of the Youth 85cc table with Holly topping the girls title chase and Ryan Jackson heading the SW85cc lad’s battle.

Checoby Rainey in Girls 85cc action

In what proved to a dramatic opening Vets race, both Simon and James Lane fell in turn one as Clint Mears led the way. Undeterred though the Lane brothers stormed back although James did fall twice again and in the same corner! Meanwhile with Mears losing his advantage when stalling, Simon now hit the front but regaining his composure and rhythm, James was on a serious charge and soon on his elder brother’s tail!

Rich Meakin, 3rd in the-Vets class

And, with just 2 laps remaining, James’s comeback was complete as he hit the front for victory as Matt Ryder took 3rd from Adam Wilkinson, Richard Meakin and David Wilcox. With Simon then leading moto two all the way, it set up an exciting last race decider for the Warmingham overall verdict. In that one, Simon led early on but James was to hit the front on lap three and there he remained. Despite a break from the sport, Meakin has quickly got back on the pace and in the groove taking another great 3rd and a deserved place on the podium. In the title race it’s getting tight at the top as Simon leads James by just 11 points whilst Ryder is rather more comfortable in the Vets Over50 class, controlling proceedings and currently 47 points clear of Brian Staples.

James Lane the Vets winner



Pos Competitor Points R1 R2 R3
1 James Dodd 150 50 50 50
2 Henry Williams 141 47 47 47
3 Will Hughes 135 45 45 45
4 Mark Roberts 127 43 43 41
5 Josh Canton 125 41 41 43
6 Matt Burrows 117 39 39 39
7 Adam Wells 109 35 37 37
8 Sean Wainwright 107 37 35 35
9 Aaron Collins 99 33 33 33
10 Kian Bown 93 31 31 31


Pos Competitor Points R1 R2 R3
1 Shane Carless 150 50 50 50
2 Lee Truman 137 43 47 47
3 McKenzie Marshall 131 47 43 41
4 lewis hall 125 41 45 39
5 Rory Jones 119 37 37 45
6 Liam Gale 107 35 39 33
7 Jake Preston 105 29 33 43
8 Alfie Calvert 96 31 30 35
9 Jonathan Roderick-Evans 91 30 31 30
10 Ben Margetson 86 23 26 37
11 Jimmy Margetson 86 45 41
12 Rhys Walker 83 24 28 31
13 Logan Wilcox 80 26 29 25
14 Joshua Fletcher-Williams 76 22 25 29
15 Corey Hockey 74 39 35
16 Jack Griffiths 71 21 22 28
17 Troy Jones 71 27 20 24
18 Jordan Meredith 66 20 19 27
19 Harry Bebb 66 19 21 26
20 Jordan Wright 60 33 27
21 Joe Field 48 25 23
22 Jamie Comley 28 28
23 Martin Jones 24 24
24 Jordan Kinsella 39 16 23


Pos Competitor Points R1 R2 R3
1 Luke Dean 147 50 47 50
2 Neville Bradshaw 144 47 50 47
3 Chris Povey 133 45 45 43
4 Charlie Palmer 119 39 43 37
5 Harry Linton 119 43 41 35
6 Jack Cox 115 41 33 41
7 Luke Newman 109 31 39 39
8 Yarin Evans 105 37 35 33
9 Olly Hathaway 97 30 37 30
10 Jordan Ridgway 93 33 31 29
11 Billy Bayliss 84 27 30 27
12 Stuart Owen 82 28 26 28
13 Damon Strydom 80 35 45
14 Oliver Davis 79 26 28 25
15 Jack Jordan 76 25 27 24
16 Cameron Jackson 60 29 31
17 Matt Ridgway 29 29
18 Richy Roberts 26 26
19 Jamie Johnson 24 24
20 Sean Veness 23 23


Pos Competitor Points R1 R2 R3
1 James Lane 147 50 47 50
2 Simon Lane 144 47 50 47
3 Richard Meakin 131 41 45 45
4 Matt Ryder 129 45 43 41
5 Adam Wilkinson 127 43 41 43
6 David Wilcox 117 39 39 39
7 Matthew Chaplin 105 33 35 37
8 Richard Tudor 105 35 37 33
9 Brian Staples 93 31 27 35
10 Russell Hartill 91 30 30 31
11 Russell Grove 86 27 29 30
12 Aidan Wright 86 29 28 29
13 Stuart Kilmarten 79 26 25 28
14 Sean Crowley 78 25 26 27
15 Clint Mears 70 37 33
16 Alexander Carson 59 28 31

BWMA Womens

Pos Competitor Points R1 R2 R3
1 Marni Saunders 145 50 45 50
2 Hollie Roberts 140 43 50 47
3 Hannah Jones 129 47 41 41
4 Caitlin Newman 127 45 39 43
5 Amber McGregor 115 39 37 39
6 Autumn Jenkinson 109 37 35 37
7 abbie Piggott 101 33 33 35
8 Daisy Blackwell 96 35 30 31
9 India Hodgkinson 95 31 31 33
10 Grace Bates 92 47 45
11 fern ingham 85 29 28 28
12 Millie Sweeney 84 41 43
13 Izzi Wright 60 30 30
14 Aaliyah Hulbert 58 29 29
15 Katie Lancaster 28 28

125 Youth

Pos Competitor Points R1 R2 R3
1 Shane Jones 150 50 50 50
2 Wyatt McGregor 139 47 45 47
3 Jack Evans 129 43 43 43
4 Phillip Tchorek 121 41 35 45
5 Logan Jay Powell 121 33 47 41
6 Tom Goodfellow 121 45 37 39
7 Will Turner 115 39 41 35
8 Travis James 111 35 39 37
9 George Bromley 95 31 31 33
10 Liam Morrod 94 30 33 31
11 Max Brick 88 29 29 30
12 Tyler Lane 85 28 28 29
13 Ashton Phillips 67 37 30

Big Wheel 85

1 Oakley Kettle 147 47 50 50
2 George Clark 135 41 47 47
3 Toby Adamson 135 45 45 45
4 Oliver Bebb 123 43 43 37
5 Bobby Watson 113 39 39 35
6 Jack Bullock 82 28 23 31
7 Igor Zelezik 82 23 30 29
8 Cameron Gerrard 59 16 20 23
9 Charlie Walker 58 18 19 21
10 William Siddons 57 31 26
11 Albie Hall 43 27 16

Small Wheel 85

Pos Competitor Points R1 R2 R3
1 Arthur Moore 91 50 41
2 Aston Whitehead 87 30 31 26
3 Ryan Jackson 86 25 28 33
4 Jacob Ince 79 26 25 28
5 Alfie Pincher 75 22 35 18
6 Lewis Day 63 19 22 22
7 Jenson henney 59 21 21 17
8 Kaleb Copeland 51 15 17 19

BWMA Girls

Pos Competitor Points R1 R2 R3
1 Leah Rees-Evans 117 33 41 43
2 Checoby Rainey 107 35 33 39
3 Holly Williams 104 37 37 30
4 Erin Howes 85 29 29 27
5 Sophie Jones 76 24 27 25
6 Poppy Banning 68 20 24 24
7 Cameron Mansbridge 55 17 18 20