Yamaha Motorcycles

Wide Open! Revvi Cup 2024 – The Opener – Race Report

Jack Frost and all of the cold he could muster couldn’t hold back over 125 Revvi Racers from enjoying themselves at SX Worx in Sheffield on the 20th January as EXGB hosted the first Revvi Cup of 2024 entitled “The Opener”.

Race Report by EXGB – Pictures by Rox_shotz

This was the biggest Revvi Cup to date with the venue packed out with riders and their families and a good few pets too.

The Revvi 12″ class saw a great entry of mini but mighty racers battle it out over three qualifying heats before the deciding A and B Finals. Tommy Ashmore was a rider on a mission and stormed to race wins in all his qualifying races, doing the same in the A Final too to be the first rider of 2024 to claim the Revvi Cup. In second with a sensational performance was Phoebe Golding who rode well all day long, collecting two heat wins in the process.

James Rainford would complete the podium in third after a fantastic days racing and also notching up a heat victory in the process. Albie Birchall fired in his best result of the day in the final with an epic fourth, Hunter Brierly was always at the sharp end and rode superb for fifth, Harry Scarth powered to a great sixth, Loui Nagy would have a lap three mishap while in third, but he never gave up and came home in an awesome seventh, while Ronnie Legg had a great day to qualify through to the A final and finish eighth. Louisana Watson qualified through to the A final with some super riding in the day but didn’t take her place on the line.

The B Final victory would go the way of Ronnie Marchant in fine style ahead of the always-trying Ronnie Ellis in an excellent second, Junior Hayne took a great third position, Sonny Chapman claimed a super fourth, while Arthur Fisher had a good days racing in fifth.


There is some serious talent in the Revvi 12″ 4-5 years of age class, with the leaders lapping in some exceptionally fast times, none more so than A Final winner Stanley Scott who came back from last years broken arm (not done racing) to take the victory, ahead of Harley Patel who has shown so much progress since he first rode with us in Cumbria. A superb second for Harley. In third was Viktor Konarzewski who continues to go faster at every event and edging out his friend Gunnar Day who finished an awesome fourth and who pitched in with two great heat wins too. Acey Topliss means business this year and showed raw speed for a superb fifth, Oscar Wild was super smooth in the heats and fired in splendid sixth in the A Final. Making the trip all of the way from Poland, Wiktor Banasiak certainly did his country proud with some mighty fine racing and finishing seventh in the Final, Bear Todd had a momentous day, winning his first heat with some epic riding then taking eighth in the final, while Jake Coxon showed ultra speed and style to finish ninth.

Maddox Knifton would take the chequers in the B Final after a good battle, Reggie Herring would land second with a powerful ride, Walter Shingler Hulme battled hard and was rewarded with a great third, Ethan Rudd was always in the mix and took a superb fourth, Jesse Sheldon had an awesome day and finished fifth, Ronnie Gardner powered to an magical sixth, Jacob Pennington put in a splendid ride for seventh while John Radley took a fabulous eighth. Hayden Cordner rode well in this first race too.

The Revvi 16″ 3 years of age was the smallest class of the day, but this certainly didn’t detract from the race action, which was awesome over the four-point scoring races. Rattling off three majestic race wins and a second, the Revvi Cup would go the way of the hard-charging Tommy George. The always smiling Maddox Buckley would take the race two chequers with a super ride and would take second on the day while Lucas Gill who fought hard in each and every race no matter what befell him claimed a great third.

Vinnie Legg pitched in with some awesome rides to finish fourth, while Ernest Barrett and William Schuller had some superb tussles with Ernest taking the fifth courtesy of beating William in the last race, so William would be sixth. Great racing guys!

The Revvi 16″ 4 years of age was jam-packed with three races of riders going all out to qualify through to the A , B and C Finals.

Working his way through the pack with some super slick passing moves to be victorious in the A final was Harvey Nicol. Ralphy Twist would follow Harvey through to the front and would keep it close all race long to finish a marvellous second. Aliyas Westwick came good in the final to land an excellent third and a spot on the podium. Zach Athersych started his day with a superb heat win and followed his form through to the final where he landed a great fourth. In fifth would be the unlucky Rory Ritzka who had won all his heats in sensational style but an incident in the Final meant he hard to work his way through the field to finish what was a really good fifth in the circumstances. Harley Patel was also in the wars in the final after taking the chequers twice in the heats but he never gave up and landed a nice sixth. Ezra Guyton made a good impression with some fantastic riding to finish seventh, the super busy Viktor Konarzewski pitched in with an awesome eighth, and Tommy White rode fantastic to reach the A final and take ninth.

Over in the B Final Reggie Herring had the bit between his teeth and showed grit and determination to take a super win ahead of the Mohawk wearing Isaac Vaughan who took an excellent second. Another busy rider, Jake Coxon put the hammer down to claim a great third, Ethan Rudd churned out some super fast laps to nail fourth, Noah Whittaker enjoyed his day with a fine fifth, James Rock kept his throttle wide open to notch up up superb sixth, Cooper Darlington showed good flow and took a solid seventh, Mason Cooke kept the power on for a nice eighth. Frankie Grzegorczyk was set to be in this final but suffered an injury. Get well soon Frankie!

Carter Goodwill-Bagan put in an awesome ride in the C Final to take the chequers ahead of the ever-trying Bear Todd, who took a fine second. Ronnie Evans powered to a great third, Blake Read rode the wheels off of his Revvi for a tremendous fourth, Daisy Rudd rode well for a good fifth, Harry Barton pitched in with a awesome sixth and Wiktor Banasiak came home from a brilliant and busy weekend for him and his family with seventh.

The Revvi 16″ 5 years of age class saw Stanley Scott at this spectacular best, going through the heats unbeaten before fending off the duelling duo of Grayson-Blake Martin and Blake Benson for the title in the A Final. The battle between Grayson and Blake was out of the top drawer with them passing and repassing throughout the race with Grayson just edging it to claim a superb second with Blake a tremendous third. Great racing guys! Arlo Tordoff improved as the day went on resulting in fantastic A final fourth. Archie Gill recorded a great win in his first heat, and would claim a good fifth in the final ahead of the double busy Acey Topliss who notched up a super solid sixth. Gunnar Day piled up the points in the day then claimed a great seventh in the final, Aurora Young fired in with a nice eighth, and Max James-Good claimed a good ninth.

Sonic the Hedgehog and Louie Smith were the victors in the B Final with a fantastic ride, keeping Harley Rowland at bay, who would finish a great second ahead of Teddy Williams in third, who certainly saved his best until last with a super ride. Archie Jones slammed in a magnificent fourth, Arthur Waddington put in a significant shift to finish fifth, Finley Moore claimed a great sixth and Harry Corps rode well for seventh. Sebastian Stanton and Frankie Grzegorczyk also had some good races in this class.

Oscar Duckworth continued from his epic 2023 form by maxing out in the Revvi 16″ 6 years of age class by collecting a complete set of heat wins before grabbing victory in the A final. Charlie Lister and Martha Gill were also class acts in this group, and the girls would go second and third in the order named with some formidable performances. Alfie Irons was super smooth and claimed an excellent fourth, Parker Herbert rode well and grabbed a heat win on this way to the final where he would finish a super fifth. Brodie Holden made an immediate impact by taking the chequers in the first heat and taking a great sixth in the final. Hadley Dillon would sign off on the heats with a great victory before powering to a fine seventh in the final ahead of Hunter Kirk who showed some superb pace in eighth, with Alfie James pitched in with a good ride in ninth.

Alfie Puddy rounded out his weekend with an awesome B Final win, getting the job done ahead of George Mann who rode a stormer to finish second. Dexter Arnold took a terrific third, Theo Callendine pitched in with some fine rides and a great fourth in the B Final, Shelby Read finished an ace fifth, Bobby Harrop was a fab sixth and Harper Mann took a super seventh.

The Revvi 7-8-year-old class threw up some outstanding racing, with the last of the four-point scoring races being the deciding factor, with Marley Montgomery having the best total score and two excellent wins under her belt to help her claim the title. Daisy Cartwright had recorded three super heat races including one win going to the last race so was in contention but a fall in the finale was costly but her fantastic riding saw her rewarded with a place on the podium and second overall. Rounding out the podium in third, and with an outstanding win in the fourth race was Darcie Crane while Gene Jenkins who was always in the mix and who had some tremendous races was an impressive fourth overall. Arabella Hunt showed great speed in the almost all girl class to finish a superb fifth, Ava Radley turned on the style and would end the day in an awesome sixth, Emy Garnder rode well all day for a good sixth and Louisa Mardell kept the throttle pinned wide open for a great seventh.

For the first time the new Revvi 18″ bikes would be seen in race action with mixed races of 6-8 years of age riders and 9-11 years of age riders taking to the track.

With an outstanding record in the heats, it would be Casey Lister, who would claim the spoils in the A Final and, in doing so, would win the first ever 9-11-year-old 18″ Revvi Cup. Connor Kenningley would keep close to Casey though, and wouldn’t let him off the hook and, with some majestic racing, would be crowned the 6-8 year old champion. Chad Cooke looked smooth and sharp to finish a great third in the final and second in the 6-8’s while Seth Johnson who was fourth in the race would take second in the 9-11’s with some fantastic riding. Rounding out the podium in the 9-11 class would be first timer Faith Rudd who made an impressive debut with sixth in the B Final. Rossi Watson also had some impressive rides in the 9-11 year old group.

Making it onto the third step on the box after an epic duel in the final would be Oscar Duckworth, who showed his liking for the bigger bike with some superb speed. Multiple 16″ Revvi Cup winner Austin Roberts also looked excellent on the bigger bike, picking himself up from a number of falls to finish fourth. Riley Woodfull had an awesome weekend to qualify for the A final finishing fifth in the 6-8 year old class with some great racing. With a cracking B Final win Daniell Beardell would end the day in a splendid sixth, Alfie Irons was second for an amazing seventh overall, Ania Shingler Hulme brought it home for third and a tremendous eighth overall, Donell Drummond was fourth for a awesome ninth and Lottie Twist was fifth for a great tenth overall.

EXGB would like to thank the riders and their families for making this a fun and friendly event. We would also like to thank our team for all of their hard work to make the event happen in freezing conditions, Johna and Dan at SX Worx for letting us use their fantastic venue, our partners at Revvi, Moto25, and Duck Smart as well as the team at Nora for their support.

For the Full Results >>CLICK HERE<<

