Yamaha Motorcycles

The Revvis Rock out on Portland! Revvi on the Rock Electric Balance Bike Cup – Race Report

A superb entry of Revvi racers descended on the Isle of Portland in Dorset at the weekend to compete in EXGB’s Revvi on the Rock Electric Balance Bike Cup at their new Grove Farm Venue.

Images courtesy of @rox_shotz

The weather threat diminished and two great days of racing were had, with Ice Creams and facing painting on Sunday topping off a great weekend with a carnival type atmosphere being created for the little riders who had plenty of family, friends and local spectators cheering them on!


The track served up some great racing and the Revvi 12′ Open 3 years of age class was no exception with plenty of drama throughout the weekend.

Harley Patel got his weekend off to the best possible start by taking the race one chequers on Saturday before Harvey Nicol put the hammer down and won the remaining three. Lucas Gill was always at the sharp end too and battling with the aforementioned front runners.  In the end the Saturday number one spot went the way of Harvey with Lucas second and Harley third after he suffered a mechanical in the final race. Walter Shingler-Hulme was solid all day long and rode excellent for fourth as did Jacob Fletcher in fifth and Ruby Keenan in sixth.  Tommy Brace improved as the day went on and ended up in seventh, Hunter Brierly rode well for eighth, Jasper Cook looked good for ninth,Jenson Wood battled hard for tenth and James Talbot made a good debut in eleventh.


There was more drama on Sunday, with Harvey winning races 1 and 3, but a big crash in his second race and a DNF meant he was out of the running for the win, which would go the way of Harley who was tied on points with Lucas at the end of the day but courtesy of the final moto win the victory was Harleys.  Lucas though having been consistent all weekend long would rack up the most amount of points meaning he would take home the Revvi on the Rock Cup. Walter had an excellent Sunday and would finish third for a well deserved trip to the podium. Jacob again put in a good shift for fourth, Harvey after his fall was fifth, the smiling Ruby was sixth, Tommy was seventh, Jasper was eighth, Jenson was ninth and Hunter was tenth.


In the Revvi 12″ 4-5 years of age category the duelling duo of Stanley Scott and Blake Benson were at it once again. On Saturday Stanley grab the first three wins. but with Blake on his tail the whole time. Blake though would end the day with victory in the fourth race but the overall would be Stanley’s with Blake second. Viktor Konarzewski rode fantastic for third with Gunnar Day showing some great speed in fourth.


On Sunday Blake came out strong with first place in the first moto, but Stanley fought back in the final two tense races to keep Blake behind him and win them both for the day win and the Revvi on the Rock Cup. Great racing guys. Victor and Gunner raced hard for the third spot which went the way of Victor again but only just.

The Revvi 16″ Standard 3-4 year old class had a great line up with Presley Purchase being too hot to handle on Saturday where he rattled off four great wins for the overall. Zara Jackson made some great starts and kept consistent for a superb second, with Hugo Tempest having an excellent day in third. Ethan Rudd was always in the mix in fourth, Theo Langdon had some great races and ended the day in fifth, Jonah Parks Wells showed some speed with third in the first race and ended up in sixth, local racer Logan Thornton got the crowd cheering in seventh and late Revvi entrant due to Mini-E mechanical issues Cohen Rogers was eighth.

On Sunday Cohen was able to take part in all of the races and put the hammer down early doors to win the first two races, with Presley winning the final one. Cohen with 2-1 would take the day overall ahead of Presley who claim the Revvi on the Rock Cup. Zara and Theo would battle it out for the final podium spot which in the way went the way of Zara with Theo in fourth, Ethan in fifth, Hugo in sixth, Logan was seventh and Jonah was eighth.


Stanley Scott and Blake Benson were back at it in the Revvi 16″ Open 3 -4 years of age class, and as before these two couldn’t be separated. Stanley would edge day one with three wins to Blakes one.  Tommy White finished third in every moto and was always close enough to the lead duo to capitalise if they made a mistake and took third overall.  Ethan Rudd had to settle for another fourth riding well again in the Open class, Finley Moore was fifth, picking up the MotoTwenty 5 Little Hero award on Sunday for his great determination at his first event, and Tommy Brace kept improving with Sixth.

Sunday was Stanley’s day where he took the chequers all three times for the win, but as in every race throughout the weekend Blake was right on Stanley’s proverbial Exhaust pipe in every race for second overall. These two deserve a special mention for sportsmanship too, always congratulating each other after the race. Tommy was again in third and riding well, Ethan was fourth (that podium is coming Ethan), Tommy Brace was fifth and Finley was sixth.


Onwards to the Revvi Standard 5-6 year old class which saw Eli Smith ride fantastic all weekend long to win all seven races for Saturday and Sunday victories and the Revvi on the Rock Cup with it.  Behind Eli though it was a close fought thing for second between his brother Foxy and Martha Gill.  On Saturday the runner up spot would go the way of Martha after some epic tussles with Foxy third with the two swapping places on Sunday. Well done guys superb racing!  Wilbur Thornton was super consistent and finished Saturday in fourth, local racer Pearl Copperthwaite had an excellent day with fifth, Alfie Puddy rode well for sixth and Reuben Buckle looked good in seventh.

On Sunday behind the lead trio it was Wilbur again in fourth, Alfie moved upto fifth and Pearl was sixth.


The Revvi Open 5-6 years of age class is always action packed and the Grove Park episode was no different. Ralph Leicester made an impressive debut rattling off all four wins on Saturday but he didn’t have it easy as Rubyn James was always on his case and ended the day in second behind Ralph. Oscar Duckworth, Oaklie Seldon and Charlie Young had some great battles for the final podium spot finishing the day in the order named. Austin Cottell had some super races for sixth, Raife Western was in the mix in seventh, Eddie Hole and Stanley Sewell rode well for Eighth and ninth, Wilbur Thornton pitched in with tenth and Reuben Buckle was eleventh.


The Final race on Sunday was racing out of the top drawer. Ralph had won race one, but had a third in the second meant it was all of the last race as Rubyn had a second and a win and was looking fast.  The finale was a titanic tussle to the end with the duo passing each other and riding wheel to wheel for the whole race but in the end it was Ralph with the victory over Rubyn but a massive well done to them both. Ralph would also win the Revvi on the Rock Cup. Oscar had a great day holding Ralph back in race two to finish third overall, Charlie rode superb for fifth, Austin was fifth, Oaklie with the bright red tyres was sixth, Raife was seventh and Wilbur was eighth.

In the Open Electric Balance Bike 12″ 3-5 year old class for all makes of bikes the two racers George Fenwick and Milo Collinson has some super battles with George taking the Overall on Saturday and Milo on top on Saturday. Milo would end up taking the Revvi on the Rock Cup and would also be a MotoTwenty 5 Little Hero winner for riding on his 10″ Amped through the rain on Friday evening and never giving up all weekend long. Well done Milo.

Over in the Open Electric Balance Bike 16″ 3-5 class Reggie England and Jimmy Taylor duked it out for the wins with Reggie taking the Saturday honours and Jimmy taking Sunday’s top spot with George Fenwick third on each day. The Revvi on the Rock Cup though would head home with Jimmy.  Great Racing guys!

There were two riders in the upto 20″ Open Balance Bike Class with Will Tempest strutting his stuff to win each and every race, and taking the Revvi on the Rock Cup ahead of Eli Smith who showed good speed on his bike. Anticipation is high for the arrival of the new Revvi 18″ bike with classes for this one on the radar for future events.


Julie and Paul would like to say a huge thank you to their team for their hard work over the weekend. A massive thanks go to the landowners the Laming family for letting us use their fantastic venue and for all of their support with this event.

A huge thanks also go to Graeme Gordon, Lauren and Will Thornton and Colin Ayles for helping us to secure the venue. Colin needs an extra special thanks for everything he did to help us get this event on. Lauren has also supported this event in so many ways too. Gratitude also goes to Liam Bargery for supplying the tyres, Ricky Good for helping at the track, Craig Rogers for bringing the digger over and working on the track and Tyler Nicol for working with Craig on this.

Other thanks need to go for Don at Revvi for always supporting our events, the team at Nora Motorsport for everything they do, the guys at Duck Smart, Moto Twenty5, Monsters of Dirt and Print Shop Express.

Thank you to Roxie @rox_shotz for her superb pics. Make sure you follow her on Instragram!

For the Full Results go here >> https://www.exgb.co.uk/revvi-on-the-rock-results/

Onwards now to the next Revvi Cup event which takes place at the Apex Motopark in Worcester on the 2nd August.

Entries are now open here >> https://nora92.com/event/revvi-cup-moving-onwards-to-the-midlands-2/

Then it’s onwards to the Greenfield Dirt Track in Lincolnshire on the 19th and 20th August for the Electric Dirt Bike Festival and the Revvi Electric Balance Bike Masters.  Entries are now open here >> https://nora92.com/event/electric-dirt-bike-festival-exgp-rounds-5-6-revvi-masters/

