Yamaha Motorcycles

Super Troopers! Revvi South West Super Cup – Race Report & Results

A superb entry of Electric Balance Bike racers descended on the Wheeldon Off-Road Centre in Devon at the weekend for the first official EXGB event and to compete for the Revvi South West Super Cup in their respective classes.

With goodie bags, medals, colouring and sweets around, and a superhero-themed race hub, the atmosphere was set for a fun couple of days of track action where each and every little rider was cheered on and supported as they powered around the excellent indoor Wheeldon track.

Reggie Wood won six of the seven Revvi 12″ Open 3 years of age races, losing only to a great Sunday race by George Breeze, who thoroughly deserved his race win. Overall though, Reggie would claim victory on both days and the Revvi South West Super Cup with it. On Saturday, Tommy White had a tremendous day to finish second overall, with George Breeze in third. On Sunday, though, Breeze would move up to second, with Harvey Nicol rounding out the podium in third after riding fantastic.

Well done to all of the other racers in this class for never giving up and putting on a great show; take a bow, Hunter Sleet, Harry Scammell, Ethan Rudd, Bruno Livkis and George Joyce.

In the Revvi 12″ Open 4-5 year old category, there was a great battle between Louie Bryant and Stanley Scott, with the two sharing the number one spot on Saturday, with Nicky Layt having a superb day with third. On Sunday though, Stanley got the upper hand with two race victories to Louie’s one, which meant he would win day two and the Revvi South West Super Cup. Great racing, Guys. Nicky would once again claim third. Well done also to Blake Martin Benson, Evan Cooper, Charlie Ormshaw and Maya Harris for all riding so well over the two days.

The Revvi 16″ Standard 3-4 year old class was very keenly contested, but on Sunday it was Louie Smith who would win each and every race for the Day one victory. Behind Louie, Mabel Breeze had a fantastic day to finish second, being joined on the podium by Zara Jackson, who thoroughly deserved her place on the box. Sunday only rider Foxy Smith came saw and conquered on Sunday heading home Tommy Scammel, with Louie Smith in third, who, with two solid days of racing, would take home the South West Super Cup. Big congrats to the other racers in this stacked class, Ethan Rudd, Sophia O’Connell, Dylan Sharpe and Harry Plaice.

Oliver Weston took the chequers in three of the four Revvi 16″ Open 3-4 year old class races on Saturday to be that day’s Champion ahead of Levi Flashman and Raife Western. The other race win went the way of Jacob Bland, who showed good speed. On Sunday, Poppy Reeves had a blinding day winning the final two races to be triumphant on the day ahead of Levi and Raife. Levi had great results over the course of the weekend, and it was this determination and consistency that won him the South West Super Cup for his class.

Well done also to the other riders in the class, Oakley Gaines, Jacob Julian Cossey, Harley Randle and Jonah Barks, for all riding awesome.

Onto the Revvi 16″ Standard 5-6 year old group, which saw Dale Bennett and Oscar Duckworth dualling it out, with Bennett having the edge on the Saturday for the win ahead of Duckworth and Martha Gill on her 16″ debut. Sunday saw Eli Smith strutting his stuff, and with three moto victories, the day’s honours would go his way over Dale and Oscar, with Dale taking home the South West Super Cup. Epic racing guys! Also duking it out on track and riding well were Eduardas Lukosiunas, Darcy Joad, Ortus Simons, and Darcey Kurlie.

The Revvi 16″ Open 5-6 class always serves up great racing, and two of the star performers in this category over the last two years, Austin Roberts and Kolbe Red Sole were set to do battle once again. It was to be Austin’s weekend though, taking the win in both A finals ahead of Kolbe (who did beat Austin in one race on Saturday). Arthur Hitchock was third on both days in a class that had two heats of races due to its popularity. Elliott Watts worked hard on both days, just missing out on the podium on both occasions.

As is the competitiveness of this class, many of the riders had great races, so they all deserve a special mention, so step forward Charlie Young, Miya Stevens, Maggie May Layt, Iyla Sleet, Eddie Hole, Austin Cottell, Vivienne Western and Saskia Harris.

The oldest kids on the block were the Revvi 16″ Open 7-8 year old racers, and they certainly meant business, especially the top two, Oliver Watts and Amelia Bunting, who had some great battles all weekend long. With two wins apiece on Saturday, they shared the spoils, but on Sunday it all came down to the last race, which Oliver won after an early battle which saw Amelia crash out. Amelia got back on and finished the race and deserved her second overall on the day. Oliver would take home the South West Super Cup.

On Saturday, Frank Wallis would end up in third and on the podium, while on Sunday the third spot went the way of Emelia Bryant, who got quicker as the day went on. Big up also to William Kurlej, Freddy Wild and Oli Staples for some excellent racing.

Over to the EBB Open 12″ 3-5 year old class where riders can ride any brand of bike they like. In this one George Breeze, who had a super busy weekend, triumphed on Saturday ahead of George Joyce and Cooper Swan while on Sunday, Nicky Layt joined the party and grabbed the victory over George Breeze and Cooper. The Super Cup, though would go the way of George Breeze.

In the EBB Open 16″ 3-5 year old group Ethan Kentch went unbeaten on both days for a double victory, or you could say a triple victory as he would also win the South West Super Cup for good measure. Tommy Scammell finished second on each day, with Mabel Breeze third both times.

Everyone at Electric Balance Bike Racing, EXGB & the Steel Hawk Motorcycle Club would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came out and raced with us and all of the families, friends and spectators who helped to create such a great and supportive atmosphere for the little racers (and the big ones) at our first EXGB event!

A massive thanks must go to our team who make our events happen, Andrew and family at Wheeldon Farm for providing a fantastic and welcoming venue, Duck Smart for always supporting us, Don and Katie at Revvi for getting behind our vision, Monsters of Dirt for the superb awards, and Blumonkey Media for the images and vids…


Day one

Revvi 12″ Open 3 years of age

1st Reggie Woods – 32 pts

2nd Tommy White – 27 pts

3rd George Breeze – 25 pts

4th Harvey Nicol – 18 pts

5th Hunter Sleet – 14 pts

6th Ethan Rudd – 11 pts

7th Bruno Livkis – 9 pts

Revvi 12″ Open 4-5 years of age

1st = Louie Bryant – 30 pts

1st = Stanley Scott – 30 pts

3rd Nicky Layt – 24 pts

4th Blake Martin Benson – 19 pts

5th Evan Cooper – 17 pts

6th Maya Harris – 12 pts

7th Charlie Ormshaw

Revvi 16″ Standard 3-4 years of age

1st Louie Smith – 32 pts

2nd Mabel Breeze – 27 pts

3rd Zara Jackson – 21 pts

4th Dylan Sharpe – 20 pts

5th Sophie O’Connell – 16 pts

6th Ethan Rudd – 13 pts

7th Harry Plaice – 11 pts

Revvi 16″ Open 3-4 years of age

1st Oliver Weston – 31 pts

2nd Levi Flashman – 24 pts

3rd Raife Western – 20 pts

4th Harley Randle – 16 pts

5th Jacob Bland – 15 pts

6th Jonah Barks – 14 pts

7th Poppy Reeves – 12 pts

8th Oakley Gaines – 7 pts

9th Jacob Julian Cossey – 7pts

Revvi 16″ Standard 5-6 years of age

1st Oscar Duckworth – 29 pts

2nd Dale Bennett – 29 pts

3rd Marta Gill – 22 pts

4th Darcey Kurlie – 21 pts

5th Eduardas Lukosiunas – 17 pts

6th Ortus Simons – 11pts

7th Darcy Joard – 11pts

Revvi 16″ Open 5-6 years of age

A Final

1st Austin Roberts

2nd Kolbe Red Sole

3rd Arthur Hitchcock

4th Elliot Watts

5th Saskia Harris

6th Austin Cottell

7th Maggie May Layt

8th Miya Stevens

B Final

1st Vivienne Western

2nd Charlie Young

3rd Iyla Sleet

Revvi 16″ Open 7-8 years of age

1st = Amelia Bunting – 30 pts

1st = Oliver Watts – 30 pts

3rd Frank Wallis – 23 pts

4th William Kurlej – 21 pts

5th Oli Staples – 17 pts

6th Freddy Wild – 11 pts

EBB Open 12″ 3-5 years of age

1st George Breeze – 27 pts

2nd George Joyce – 17 pts

3rd Cooper Swan 12 pts

EBB Open 16″ 3-5 years of age

1st Ethan Kentch – 32 pts

2nd Tommy Scammell – 25 pts

3rd Mabel Breeze – 19 pts

Day two

Revvi 12″ Open 3 years of age

1st Reggie Woods – 23 pts

2nd George Breeze – 21 pts

3rd Harvey Nicol – 18 pts

4th Bruno Livkis – 16 pts

5th Hunter Sleet – 11 pts

6th Tommy White – 10 pts

7th George Joyce – 4 pts

8th = Harry Scammell – 4 pts

8th = Ethan Rudd – 4 pts

South West Super Cup Winner – Reggie Woods

Revvi 12″ Open 4-5 years of age

1st Stanley Scott – 23 pts

2nd Louie Bryant – 22 pts

3rd Nicky Layt – 17 pts

4th Blake Martin Benson – 16 pts

5th Maya Harris – 11 pts

6th Evan Cooper – 10 pts

7th Jenson Dyte – 6 pts

South West Super Cup Winner – Stanley Scott

Revvi 16″ Standard 3-4 years of age

1st Foxy Smith – 24 pts

2nd Tommy Scammell – 20 pts

3rd Louie Smith – 19 pts

4th Dylan Sharpe – 13 pts

5th Mabel Breeze – 11pts

6th Zara Jackson – 7 pts

7th Sophia O’Connell – 7 pts

8th Harry Plaice – 6 pts

9th Ethan Rudd – 3 pts

South West Super Cup Winner – Louie Smith

Revvi 16″ Open 3-4 years of age

1st Poppy Reeves – 22 pts

2nd Levi Flashman – 20 pts

3rd Raife Western – 18 pts

4th Harley Rundle – 17 pts

5th Oakley Gaines – 11 pts

6th Jacob Julian Cossey – 10 pts

7th Jonah Barks – 6 pts

South West Super Cup Winner – Levi Flashman

Revvi 16″ Standard 5-6 years of age

1st Eli Smith – 24 pts

2nd Dale Bennett – 21 pts

3rd Oscar Duckworth – 18 pts

4th Martha Gill – 14 pts

5th Darcy Kurlie – 13 pts

6th Eduardas Lukosiunas 8 pts

7th Darcy Joad – 7 pts

South West Super Cup Winner – Dale Bennett

Revvi 16″ Open 5-6 years of age

A Final

1st Austin Roberts

2nd Kolbe Red Sole

3rd Arthur Hitchcock

4th Elliot Watts

5th Maggie May Layt

6th Saskia Harris

7th Miya Stevens

8th Vivienne Western

B Final

1st Iyla Sleet

2nd Austin Cottell

3rd Charlie Young

4th Eddie Hole

South West Super Cup Winner – Austin Roberts

Revvi 16″ Open 7-8 years of age

1st Oliver Watts – 23 pts

2nd Amelia Bunting – 20 pts

3rd Emelia Bryant – 18 pts

4th William Kurlej – 17 pts

5th Oli Staples – 12 pts

6th Freddy Wild

South West Super Cup Winner – Oliver Watts

EBB Open 12″ 3-5 years of age

1st Nicky Layt – 18 pts

2nd George Breeze – 15 pts

3rd Cooper Swan – 8 pts

4th George Joyce – 5 pts

South West Super Cup Winner – George Breeze

EBB Open 16″ 3-5 years of age

1st Ethan Kentch – 24 pts

2nd Tommy Scammell – 21 pts

3rd Mabel Breeze – 12 pts

South West Super Cup Winner – Ethan Kentch

